tbjeeplead.jpgTwo months into the 2010 sand drag racing season and here we are getting ready to kick things into high gear. January and February have been a little slow news wise, but there has been some great sand drag racing action on the west coast. Kenny Larson and the Fast Track Racing staff have held two great events at the AVI Casino & Resort in Laughlin, NV. All accounts have stated that these races have had great racing action and fun for all. That’s what we are all looking for as racers. Also, Dome Valley Raceway and ET Motopark have had Test and Tunes to kick off their seasons.

In March, the 2010 NSDA season will kick off with their first trip to Dome Valley Raceway in Wellton, AZ down by Yuma. The start of a new season in any series brings about a lot of excitement and this race looks to fit the bill. NSDN will be on-site with our first Daily Race Coverage of 2010. I’m definitely looking forward to getting back to the track and covering the event. The plan is to try some more unique methods of delivering high quality, up to the minute news from the track. So, stay tuned for that. Also, our friends at Lone Star Graphics will be on hand shooting photos and selling merchandise. Be sure to stop by the White Lone Star trailer and see what they have to offer.


The new month will also see tracks away from the west coast opening their doors on the new season. Atoka Motorsports Park in Atoka, OK will kick off their season March 12-13. They are looking forward to another great year of racing action. Other tracks are preparing for their upcoming seasons. Big River Sand Drags opens up in April, while season openers are just around the corner in May for the rest of the Midwest tracks, including the PTN season kick off in Cleves, OH May 21-22.

NSDN continues our search for sponsorship for the 2010 season. If you have a business or know of one that could benefit from advertising, feel free to drop us a note at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information. Also, be sure to support our parent company, TB Web Development, for all of your web site needs. Support those within the sport of sand drag racing.

dicksechrist.jpgOn a sad note, in early March we lost one of our own as Dick Sechrist, a long time racer at West Michigan Sand Dragway, has passed away. Dick and his wife Pat raced their trademark Orange VW Buggies at WMSD up until moving out of the area about 5 years ago. Dick was also a WMSD track official for several years, administrating the track's point series & e-mail list. We will sure miss him and his contributions to the sand drag racing community in Michigan. NSDN sends our condolences out to the Sechrist Family.

Stay tuned to NSDN as the season continues on for all the latest news from the great sport of sand drag racing. See you at the races.

Tom Bray (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

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